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Step One: Self-assessment


  1. Before the meeting: complete a self-assessment

    • we used myIDP, which is designed for science-related PhDs (registration for the site is free but required)

    • there are many other self-assessment tools you can use (if you find one that works, let us know!)

    • *the advantage of the myIDP assessment is that it provides career options based on the results; therefore if you use another test, you will have to find career "matches" independently - consider adding another step to accomplish this

  2. Individual member introductions

    • program of study

    • thesis project

    • goals of your participation in PCLP

  3. Individual reports on results from self-assessment

    • general reflections on the process

    • were you surprised by the results?

    • what are your top 3 most interesting career matches?

  4. Connect students with similar or shared interests

    • have students with similar career matches exchange contact information to facilitate information sharing

  5. Assignment for Step Two: choose 1-2 of your career matches and research them further

    • start Googling!!

    • what are the job titles of your favorite career (YFC)?

    • what companies or organizations require YFC?

    • what are the daily activities of YFC?

    • the idea is to learn more about the career option and figure out if it's really something you'd like to do

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