Useful Links
The following links helped to inspire and guide the formation of the Ladder Program, and are useful for participants going through the program. If you have one to add to the list please let us know!
PhD Career Guide - an extensive site with information on various career options for science and engineering PhDs. Also includes a blog with guest posts from professionals and career counselors.
The Grad Student Way - a site started by a new PhD who realized the inadequacies of graduate training. Focus on networking and breaking into industry.
Science Careers - packed with resources about career options and advice for grad students, as well as a job board. Some focus on the academic path.
The Chronicle of Higher Education - fabulous site which focuses on the issues with the structure of the academic system. Lots of articles featuring career coaches and experts to offer their advice.
great article from the Chronicle suggesting ways to improved graduate student career preparation at the academic level
a guide for the non-academic career search
What Are All the PhDs? - a blog that showcases the non-traditional career paths of PhDs from all fields (not just science!). Very useful during the career exploration step.
The ASCB Post - this particular blog post contains a list of internships for various science-related careers. Take a look while thinking about skill building (step five) and while setting long-term goals (step nine).
NIH OITE Careers Blog - great resource for both career exploration and preparation. Spotlights on various career paths, with a focus on science-related options.
Mind the PhD - this particular post lists 25 common questions a PhD may encounter during an interview for an industry-related job. Other posts include useful information for career preparation.
Demythify - a comment on how it is considered taboo to leave academia
Jobs on Toast - also a great resource for exploration and preparation. Even has a page with links to other resources relevant for PhDs (including the Humanities!).
Versatile PhD - excellent for career exploration, has an interactive tool that helps students find career matches. Separates content for Humanities & Social Sciences, and Science Technology Engineering & Math. Suggusts skill building experiences for each career path.
PhDs at Work - a blog that also showcases the career paths of PhDs. "Week in the Life" series really allows you to understand what a particular job is like - great for step two and three.
From PhD to Life - lots of career development advice, along with features on career paths and another list of resources for PhDs.
Nature - a great article which points out that PhDs who leave academia are no less brilliant than the ones who stay
Cheeky Scientist - advice focused for science PhDs looking to enter the business world
great article about how all graduate students feel lost and confused - don't fret!