Step Eight: Networking
Discuss the importance of networking while in graduate school
read this article
How to network: discuss tips for sending professional emails
how to start, what to say, how to end
when to follow up
tips from Cheeky Scientist and Physics Today
How to network: discuss tips for networking in person
practice your elevator speech - 1 minute speech about what you study and what you want to do
be seen - students who give presentations at conferences are far more likely to spark conversations with other participants, for example
follow up in a timely manner (less than a week)
great specific tips for how to network at scientific conferences - for example, talk to the industry professionals in attendance while everyone else is at the lectures!
Where to network
really, anywhere!
think outside of the lab/office!!
re-connect with the professionals you did informational interviews with in Step Three
look for networking socials hosted by professional societies in your favorite career field
The Grad Student Way reminds us: network to connect with someone and learn something, not to ask for a job
Assignment for Step Nine: write at least 3 long term goals for your career development